Friday, March 22, 2013

Let's Drop Our Stones

How often are we like the persecutors, waiting for someone to fall? Or how often are we trying to live a life for Christ and be examples to others while they wait for us to fail or condemn us for doing good and being submissive to Christ and His Church?

I think it's safe to say that we've all experienced being on both ends of this spectrum. 

Even though we stumble and fall, how awesome is it to know that God is always with us, always there to welcome us into His arms no matter what. We have the comfort of His eternal, unconditional love. 

But we then should return this love to God. We owe it to Him, and it's the very least we can do. One of the best ways to love Christ is to love those around us here on earth. It pleases Him to see us do good for others. Instead of waiting for others to fall and being there to point our fingers or say to ourselves, "at least I'm not like THEM," we should look for the good and pray for those who are also on the difficult journey to Heaven. Let us not be like the persecutors in today's readings, ready to cast a stone, but be like Christ and love and have mercy on our brothers and sisters. 

-Amanda Kepshire

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