Thursday, March 21, 2013

It's Never too Late

The theme that the Church sets for us in the readings today is “covenant.” These pacts or bonds are woven through the old testament- God forming agreements with his people. In this particular covenant, God promised great things to Abraham and his people. He promises descendants, a line of kings, and land. However, at the end of the first reading, God reminds Abraham of the people’s pledge: “On your part, you and your descendants after you must keep my covenant throughout the ages.” (Gen 17:9)

Our God is a loving Father. He desires union with us. In the Old Testament, he promised land, descendants, and kingdoms. He now, through Jesus Christ, has formed a new covenant with us in which he offers us salvation! It is precisely now, at the close of Lent, when we should assess how our Lent has been. What are those small “covenants” we have formed with God over the last 40 days? Have we been faithful? If not, why?

As we know, in the Old Testament, God had to renew his covenant with Israel numerous times. In the same way, now in the New Testament, he renews his covenant with us in the Sacraments, especially in the Mass, and when we are repentant in Confession. It is never too late, whether in the shortfalls of our disciplines of Lent, our habitual sin, or broken relationships, to renew our covenant with our God. In these last days of Lent, how can I offer my own preferences, my sacrifices- to complete the great journey of Lent? Our longing is for that Easter Day, when Christ rose- for the cross was not the end. After all, it is NEVER too late to renew our relationship with God. He waits.

-Andy Day